Spaccaroccia (Mossa)
Parco Lotta, Smeraldo, |
Categoria Palazzo Lotta:
Attacco |
Mossa #249, 2ª Generazione
Tipo Lotta
Mossa fisica
Potenza: 40
Precisione: 100%
15 PP
Priorità: 0 (default)
Target –> Selected Pokémon
Oro, Argento e
An attack that may
lower DEFENSE. |
Rubino, Zaffiro e
A rock-crushing attack
that may lower DEFENSE. |
Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia:
An attack that may
also cut DEFENSE.
It can also smash
cracked boulders. |
Diamante, Perla e
Colpisce il nemico
con un pugno
devastante. Può
anche frantumare
rocce crepate. |
Oro HeartGold e Argento SoulSilver:
Un pugno devastante
che può anche ridurre
la Difesa. Fuori dalla
lotta frantuma rocce
crepate. |
Nero e Bianco:
Il nemico viene colpito da un pugno in
grado di frantumare anche la roccia. Può anche ridurne la Difesa. |
Nero 2 e Bianco 2:
Il nemico viene colpito da un pugno in
grado di frantumare anche la roccia. Può anche ridurne la Difesa. |
Gen. VI:
Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno
in grado di frantumare anche la roccia. Può anche ridurne la Difesa. |
Gen. VII:
Chi la usa colpisce il bersaglio con un pugno
che può anche ridurne la Difesa. |
Prima di Diamante e Perla:
Potenza = > 20
Super Gara Pokémon
Virtù Gen. III-IV: |
Esibizione: |
(2) |
Ricevi +2 se il Pokémon
si esibisce per ultimo
nel turno. |
Gara Pokémon
Virtù Gen. III-IV: |
Esibizione: |
(1) |
Intralcio: |
— |
L’esibizione funziona se
chi la usa è in forma. |
MT / MN |
MT08 |
Oro e Argento, Cristallo. |
MT94 |
Nero e Bianco, Nero 2 e Bianco 2, X e Y. |
MN06 |
Rubino e Zaffiro, Smeraldo, Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia, Diamante e Perla, Platino, Oro HeartGold e Argento SoulSilver, Colosseum, XD, Rubino Omega e Zaffiro Alpha, Sole e Luna, Ultrasole e Ultraluna. |
Pokémon @ Spaccaroccia |
Aumentando di livello |
#539 Sawk,
#731 Pikipek,
#732 Trumbeak,
#733 Toucannon,
#739 Crabrawler,
#740 Crabominable,
#766 Passimian,
#768 Golisopod |
Tramite MT o MN |
#001 Bulbasaur,
#002 Ivysaur,
#003 Venusaur,
#003 MegaVenusaur,
#004 Charmander,
#005 Charmeleon,
#006 Charizard,
#006 MegaCharizard X,
#006 MegaCharizard Y,
#007 Squirtle,
#008 Wartortle,
#009 Blastoise,
#009 MegaBlastoise,
#015 Beedrill,
#015 MegaBeedrill,
#019 Rattata,
#020 Raticate,
#025 Pikachu,
#025 Pikachu rockstar,
#025 Pikachu damigella,
#025 Pikachu confetto,
#025 Pikachu scienziata,
#025 Pikachu wrestler,
#025 Pikachu Cosplay,
#026 Raichu,
#027 Sandshrew,
#028 Sandslash,
#029 Nidoran♀,
#030 Nidorina,
#031 Nidoqueen,
#032 Nidoran♂,
#033 Nidorino,
#034 Nidoking,
#035 Clefairy,
#036 Clefable,
#046 Paras,
#047 Parasect,
#050 Diglett,
#051 Dugtrio,
#054 Psyduck,
#055 Golduck,
#056 Mankey,
#057 Primeape,
#058 Growlithe,
#059 Arcanine,
#061 Poliwhirl,
#062 Poliwrath,
#066 Machop,
#067 Machoke,
#068 Machamp,
#074 Geodude,
#075 Graveler,
#076 Golem,
#080 Slowbro,
#080 MegaSlowbro,
#089 Muk,
#094 Gengar,
#094 MegaGengar,
#095 Onix,
#098 Krabby,
#099 Kingler,
#104 Cubone,
#105 Marowak,
#106 Hitmonlee,
#107 Hitmonchan,
#108 Lickitung,
#111 Rhyhorn,
#112 Rhydon,
#113 Chansey,
#114 Tangela,
#115 Kangaskhan,
#115 MegaKangaskhan,
#123 Scyther,
#125 Electabuzz,
#126 Magmar,
#127 Pinsir,
#127 MegaPinsir,
#128 Tauros,
#130 Gyarados,
#130 MegaGyarados,
#131 Lapras,
#134 Vaporeon,
#135 Jolteon,
#136 Flareon,
#138 Omanyte,
#139 Omastar,
#140 Kabuto,
#141 Kabutops,
#142 Aerodactyl,
#142 MegaAerodactyl,
#143 Snorlax,
#144 Articuno,
#145 Zapdos,
#146 Moltres,
#149 Dragonite,
#150 Mewtwo,
#150 MegaMewtwo X,
#150 MegaMewtwo Y,
#151 Mew,
#153 Bayleef,
#154 Meganium,
#156 Quilava,
#157 Typhlosion,
#159 Croconaw,
#160 Feraligatr,
#162 Furret,
#166 Ledian,
#175 Togepi,
#176 Togetic,
#180 Flaaffy,
#181 Ampharos,
#181 MegaAmpharos,
#183 Marill,
#184 Azumarill,
#185 Sudowoodo,
#186 Politoed,
#190 Aipom,
#194 Wooper,
#195 Quagsire,
#199 Slowking,
#203 Girafarig,
#204 Pineco,
#205 Forretress,
#206 Dunsparce,
#207 Gligar,
#208 Steelix,
#208 MegaSteelix,
#209 Snubbull,
#210 Granbull,
#212 Scizor,
#212 MegaScizor,
#213 Shuckle,
#214 Heracross,
#214 MegaHeracross,
#215 Sneasel,
#216 Teddiursa,
#217 Ursaring,
#218 Slugma,
#219 Magcargo,
#220 Swinub,
#221 Piloswine,
#222 Corsola,
#227 Skarmory,
#228 Houndour,
#229 Houndoom,
#229 MegaHoundoom,
#231 Phanpy,
#232 Donphan,
#236 Tyrogue,
#237 Hitmontop,
#239 Elekid,
#240 Magby,
#241 Miltank,
#242 Blissey,
#243 Raikou,
#244 Entei,
#245 Suicune,
#246 Larvitar,
#247 Pupitar,
#248 Tyranitar,
#248 MegaTyranitar,
#249 Lugia,
#250 Ho-Oh,
#252 Treecko,
#253 Grovyle,
#254 Sceptile,
#254 MegaSceptile,
#255 Torchic,
#256 Combusken,
#257 Blaziken,
#257 MegaBlaziken,
#258 Mudkip,
#259 Marshtomp,
#260 Swampert,
#260 MegaSwampert,
#261 Poochyena,
#262 Mightyena,
#263 Zigzagoon,
#264 Linoone,
#271 Lombre,
#272 Ludicolo,
#273 Seedot,
#274 Nuzleaf,
#275 Shiftry,
#286 Breloom,
#287 Slakoth,
#288 Vigoroth,
#289 Slaking,
#294 Loudred,
#295 Exploud,
#296 Makuhita,
#297 Hariyama,
#299 Nosepass,
#301 Delcatty,
#302 Sableye,
#302 MegaSableye,
#303 Mawile,
#303 MegaMawile,
#304 Aron,
#305 Lairon,
#306 Aggron,
#306 MegaAggron,
#307 Meditite,
#308 Medicham,
#308 MegaMedicham,
#316 Gulpin,
#317 Swalot,
#319 Sharpedo,
#319 MegaSharpedo,
#320 Wailmer,
#321 Wailord,
#322 Numel,
#323 Camerupt,
#323 MegaCamerupt,
#324 Torkoal,
#327 Spinda,
#328 Trapinch,
#329 Vibrava,
#330 Flygon,
#334 Altaria,
#334 MegaAltaria,
#335 Zangoose,
#336 Seviper,
#340 Whiscash,
#341 Corphish,
#342 Crawdaunt,
#344 Claydol,
#346 Cradily,
#347 Anorith,
#348 Armaldo,
#352 Kecleon,
#356 Dusclops,
#357 Tropius,
#359 Absol,
#359 MegaAbsol,
#363 Spheal,
#364 Sealeo,
#365 Walrein,
#369 Relicanth,
#371 Bagon,
#372 Shelgon,
#373 Salamence,
#373 MegaSalamence,
#375 Metang,
#376 Metagross,
#376 MegaMetagross,
#377 Regirock,
#378 Regice,
#379 Registeel,
#382 Kyogre,
#382 ArcheoKyogre,
#383 Groudon,
#383 ArcheoGroudon,
#384 Rayquaza,
#384 MegaRayquaza,
#386 Deoxys Forma Normale,
#386 Deoxys Forma Attacco,
#386 Deoxys Forma Difesa,
#386 Deoxys Forma Velocità,
#387 Turtwig,
#388 Grotle,
#389 Torterra,
#390 Chimchar,
#391 Monferno,
#392 Infernape,
#394 Prinplup,
#395 Empoleon,
#399 Bidoof,
#400 Bibarel,
#402 Kricketune,
#408 Cranidos,
#409 Rampardos,
#410 Shieldon,
#411 Bastiodon,
#418 Buizel,
#419 Floatzel,
#423 Gastrodon,
#424 Ambipom,
#427 Buneary,
#428 Lopunny,
#428 MegaLopunny,
#434 Stunky,
#435 Skuntank,
#437 Bronzong,
#443 Gible,
#444 Gabite,
#445 Garchomp,
#445 MegaGarchomp,
#446 Munchlax,
#447 Riolu,
#448 Lucario,
#448 MegaLucario,
#449 Hippopotas,
#450 Hippowdon,
#451 Skorupi,
#452 Drapion,
#453 Croagunk,
#454 Toxicroak,
#460 Abomasnow,
#460 MegaAbomasnow,
#461 Weavile,
#463 Lickilicky,
#464 Rhyperior,
#465 Tangrowth,
#466 Electivire,
#467 Magmortar,
#468 Togekiss,
#470 Leafeon,
#471 Glaceon,
#472 Gliscor,
#473 Mamoswine,
#475 Gallade,
#475 MegaGallade,
#476 Probopass,
#477 Dusknoir,
#483 Dialga,
#484 Palkia,
#485 Heatran,
#486 Regigigas,
#487 Giratina Forma Alterata,
#487 Giratina Forma Originale,
#491 Darkrai,
#493 Arceus,
#494 Victini,
#497 Serperior,
#498 Tepig,
#499 Pignite,
#500 Emboar,
#501 Oshawott,
#502 Dewott,
#503 Samurott,
#505 Watchog,
#506 Lillipup,
#507 Herdier,
#508 Stoutland,
#510 Liepard,
#511 Pansage,
#512 Simisage,
#513 Pansear,
#514 Simisear,
#515 Panpour,
#516 Simipour,
#523 Zebstrika,
#524 Roggenrola,
#525 Boldore,
#526 Gigalith,
#529 Drilbur,
#530 Excadrill,
#532 Timburr,
#533 Gurdurr,
#534 Conkeldurr,
#536 Palpitoad,
#537 Seismitoad,
#538 Throh,
#539 Sawk,
#543 Venipede,
#544 Whirlipede,
#545 Scolipede,
#552 Krokorok,
#553 Krookodile,
#554 Darumaka,
#555 Darmanitan Forma Normalità,
#555 Darmanitan Stato Zen,
#557 Dwebble,
#558 Crustle,
#559 Scraggy,
#560 Scrafty,
#564 Tirtouga,
#565 Carracosta,
#566 Archen,
#567 Archeops,
#571 Zoroark,
#579 Reuniclus,
#586 Sawsbuck,
#589 Escavalier,
#597 Ferroseed,
#598 Ferrothorn,
#599 Klink,
#600 Klang,
#601 Klinklang,
#604 Eelektross,
#610 Axew,
#611 Fraxure,
#612 Haxorus,
#613 Cubchoo,
#614 Beartic,
#619 Mienfoo,
#620 Mienshao,
#621 Druddigon,
#622 Golett,
#623 Golurk,
#624 Pawniard,
#625 Bisharp,
#626 Bouffalant,
#627 Rufflet,
#628 Braviary,
#629 Vullaby,
#630 Mandibuzz,
#631 Heatmor,
#632 Durant,
#633 Deino,
#634 Zweilous,
#635 Hydreigon,
#638 Cobalion,
#639 Terrakion,
#640 Virizion,
#641 Tornadus Forma Incarnazione,
#641 Tornadus Forma Totem,
#642 Thundurus Forma Incarnazione,
#642 Thundurus Forma Totem,
#643 Reshiram,
#644 Zekrom,
#645 Landorus Forma Incarnazione,
#645 Landorus Forma Totem,
#646 Kyurem,
#646 Kyurem Nero,
#646 Kyurem Bianco,
#647 Keldeo Forma Normale,
#647 Keldeo Forma Risoluta,
#648 Meloetta Forma Canto,
#648 Meloetta Forma Danza,
#650 Chespin,
#651 Quilladin,
#652 Chesnaught,
#656 Froakie,
#657 Frogadier,
#658 Greninja,
#659 Bunnelby,
#660 Diggersby,
#667 Litleo,
#668 Pyroar,
#672 Skiddo,
#673 Gogoat,
#674 Pancham,
#675 Pangoro,
#676 Furfrou,
#679 Honedge,
#680 Doublade,
#681 Aegislash Forma Scudo,
#681 Aegislash Forma Spada,
#688 Binacle,
#689 Barbaracle,
#696 Tyrunt,
#697 Tyrantrum,
#698 Amaura,
#699 Aurorus,
#701 Hawlucha,
#706 Goodra,
#708 Phantump,
#709 Trevenant,
#710 Pumpkaboo Normale,
#710 Pumpkaboo Mini,
#710 Pumpkaboo Grande,
#710 Pumpkaboo Maxi,
#711 Gourgeist Normale,
#711 Gourgeist Mini,
#711 Gourgeist Grande,
#711 Gourgeist Maxi,
#712 Bergmite,
#713 Avalugg,
#718 Zygarde,
#721 Volcanion |
Rock Smash
Golpe Roca
Mosse (Lista)
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