Ampelleuchte (Attacke)
Kampfzone, Smaragd, |
Kampfpalast Kategorie:
Angriff |
Attacke #324, Spielgeneration 3
Käfer Typ
Stärke: 75
Genauigkeit: 100%
15 AP
Priorität: 0 (default)
Target –> Selected Pokémon
Rubin, Saphir und
A strange beam attack that
may confuse the foe. |
Feuerrot und Blattgrün:
The foe is hit with
a flashing beam
that may also
cause confusion. |
Gen. IV:
die den Gegner
eventuell verwirrt. |
Schwarz und Weiß:
Strahlenattacke, die das Ziel
eventuell verwirrt. |
Schwarz 2 und Weiß 2:
Strahlenattacke, die das Ziel
eventuell verwirrt. |
Gen. VI:
Strahlenattacke, die das Ziel eventuell verwirrt. |
Gen. VII:
Strahlenattacke, die das Ziel eventuell verwirrt. |
Pokemon-Wettbewerb Live [Ω/α]
Pokémon Wettbewerb
Eigenschaft Gen. III-IV: |
Ausdruck: |
(2) |
Anwender erhält +2,
wenn die Spannung
des Jurors steigt. |
Pokémon @ Ampelleuchte |
By leveling up |
#048 Bluzuk,
#049 Omot,
#087 Jugong,
#137 Porygon,
#170 Lampi,
#171 Lanturn,
#179 Voltilamm,
#180 Waaty,
#181 Ampharos,
#181 Mega-Ampharos,
#223 Remoraid,
#224 Octillery,
#226 Mantax,
#233 Porygon2,
#313 Volbeat,
#474 Porygon-Z,
#595 Wattzapf,
#596 Voltula,
#649 Genesect,
#678 Psiaugon Weiblich,
#796 Voltriant |
By breeding |
#048 Bluzuk,
#086 Jurob,
#116 Seeper,
#118 Goldini,
#167 Webarak,
#193 Yanma,
#211 Baldorfish,
#283 Gehweiher,
#328 Knacklion,
#363 Seemops,
#403 Sheinux,
#456 Finneon,
#458 Mantirps |
By tutoring |
#009 Turtok,
#009 Mega-Turtok,
#012 Smettbo,
#025 Pikachu,
#025 Rocker-Pikachu,
#025 Damen-Pikachu,
#025 Star-Pikachu,
#025 Professoren-Pikachu,
#025 Wrestler-Pikachu,
#025 Cosplay-Pikachu,
#026 Raichu,
#035 Piepi,
#036 Pixi,
#048 Bluzuk,
#049 Omot,
#054 Enton,
#055 Entoron,
#063 Abra,
#064 Kadabra,
#065 Simsala,
#065 Mega-Simsala,
#079 Flegmon,
#080 Lahmus,
#080 Mega-Lahmus,
#081 Magnetilo,
#082 Magneton,
#086 Jurob,
#087 Jugong,
#091 Austos,
#096 Traumato,
#097 Hypno,
#100 Voltobal,
#101 Lektrobal,
#116 Seeper,
#117 Seemon,
#118 Goldini,
#119 Golking,
#120 Sterndu,
#121 Starmie,
#122 Pantimos,
#124 Rossana,
#125 Elektek,
#131 Lapras,
#134 Aquana,
#135 Blitza,
#137 Porygon,
#144 Arktos,
#145 Zapdos,
#150 Mewtu,
#150 Mega-Mewtu X,
#150 Mega-Mewtu Y,
#151 Mew,
#167 Webarak,
#168 Ariados,
#170 Lampi,
#171 Lanturn,
#172 Pichu,
#172 Strubbelohr-Pichu,
#173 Pii,
#175 Togepi,
#176 Togetic,
#177 Natu,
#178 Xatu,
#179 Voltilamm,
#180 Waaty,
#181 Ampharos,
#181 Mega-Ampharos,
#193 Yanma,
#196 Psiana,
#199 Laschoking,
#203 Girafarig,
#205 Forstellka,
#211 Baldorfish,
#223 Remoraid,
#224 Octillery,
#225 Botogel,
#226 Mantax,
#230 Seedraking,
#233 Porygon2,
#234 Damhirplex,
#238 Kussilla,
#239 Elekid,
#243 Raikou,
#245 Suicune,
#249 Lugia,
#250 Ho-Oh,
#251 Celebi,
#267 Papinella,
#269 Pudox,
#280 Trasla,
#281 Kirlia,
#282 Guardevoir,
#282 Mega-Guardevoir,
#283 Gehweiher,
#284 Maskeregen,
#302 Zobiris,
#302 Mega-Zobiris,
#307 Meditie,
#308 Meditalis,
#308 Mega-Meditalis,
#309 Frizelbliz,
#310 Voltenso,
#310 Mega-Voltenso,
#311 Plusle,
#312 Minun,
#313 Volbeat,
#325 Spoink,
#326 Groink,
#328 Knacklion,
#329 Vibrava,
#330 Libelldra,
#337 Lunastein,
#338 Sonnfel,
#343 Puppance,
#344 Lepumentas,
#358 Palimpalim,
#362 Firnontor,
#362 Mega-Firnontor,
#363 Seemops,
#364 Seejong,
#365 Walraisa,
#368 Saganabyss,
#375 Metang,
#376 Metagross,
#376 Mega-Metagross,
#378 Regice,
#382 Kyogre,
#382 Proto-Kyogre,
#385 Jirachi,
#386 Deoxys Normalform,
#386 Deoxys Angriffsform,
#386 Deoxys Verteidigungsform,
#386 Deoxys Initiativeform,
#393 Plinfa,
#394 Pliprin,
#395 Impoleon,
#403 Sheinux,
#404 Luxio,
#405 Luxtra,
#413 Burmadame Pflanzenumhang,
#413 Burmadame Sandumhang,
#413 Burmadame Lumpenumhang,
#414 Moterpel,
#416 Honweisel,
#433 Klingplim,
#436 Bronzel,
#437 Bronzong,
#439 Pantimimi,
#456 Finneon,
#457 Lumineon,
#458 Mantirps,
#462 Magnezone,
#466 Elevoltek,
#468 Togekiss,
#469 Yanmega,
#471 Glaziola,
#474 Porygon-Z,
#475 Galagladi,
#475 Mega-Galagladi,
#478 Frosdedje,
#479 Rotom,
#479 Hitze-Rotom,
#479 Wasch-Rotom,
#479 Frost-Rotom,
#479 Wirbel-Rotom,
#479 Schneid-Rotom,
#480 Selfe,
#481 Vesprit,
#482 Tobutz,
#488 Cresselia,
#489 Phione,
#490 Manaphy,
#493 Arceus,
#494 Victini,
#505 Kukmarda,
#517 Somniam,
#518 Somnivora,
#522 Elezeba,
#523 Zebritz,
#527 Fleknoil,
#528 Fletiamo,
#531 Ohrdoch,
#531 Mega-Ohrdoch,
#540 Strawickl,
#541 Folikon,
#542 Matrifol,
#543 Toxiped,
#544 Rollum,
#545 Cerapendra,
#561 Symvolara,
#574 Mollimorba,
#575 Hypnomorba,
#576 Morbitesse,
#577 Monozyto,
#578 Mitodos,
#579 Zytomega,
#582 Gelatini,
#583 Gelatroppo,
#584 Gelatwino,
#587 Emolga,
#588 Laukaps,
#589 Cavalanzas,
#595 Wattzapf,
#596 Voltula,
#599 Klikk,
#600 Kliklak,
#601 Klikdiklak,
#603 Zapplalek,
#604 Zapplarang,
#605 Pygraulon,
#606 Megalon,
#615 Frigometri,
#616 Schnuthelm,
#617 Hydragil,
#622 Golbit,
#623 Golgantes,
#635 Trikephalo,
#636 Ignivor,
#637 Ramoth,
#644 Zekrom,
#646 Kyurem,
#646 Schwarzes Kyurem,
#646 Weißes Kyurem,
#648 Meloetta Gesangsform,
#648 Meloetta Tanzform,
#649 Genesect,
#655 Fennexis,
#666 Vivillon,
#677 Psiau,
#678 Psiaugon Männlich,
#678 Psiaugon Weiblich,
#687 Calamanero,
#694 Eguana,
#695 Elezard,
#702 Dedenne,
#720 Gebanntes Hoopa,
#720 Entfesseltes Hoopa |
Signal Beam
Rayon Signal
Doble Rayo
Attacken (Liste)
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