Eisenschweif (Attacke)
Kampfzone, Smaragd, |
Kampfpalast Kategorie:
Angriff |
Attacke #231, Spielgeneration 2
Stahl Typ
Physische Attacke
Stärke: 100
Genauigkeit: 75%
15 AP
Priorität: 0 (default)
Target –> Selected Pokémon
Gold, Silber und
An attack that may
reduce DEFENSE. |
Rubin, Saphir und
Attacks with a rock-hard
tail. May lower DEFENSE. |
Feuerrot und Blattgrün:
An attack with a
steel-hard tail.
It may lower the
foe’s DEFENSE stat. |
Gen. IV:
Attacke mit hartem
Senkt eventuell den
des Gegners. |
Schwarz und Weiß:
Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif.
Senkt eventuell den Verteidigungs-Wert
des Zieles. |
Schwarz 2 und Weiß 2:
Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif.
Senkt eventuell den Verteidigungs-Wert
des Zieles. |
X und Y:
Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif. Senkt eventuell
den Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles. |
Omega Rubin und Alpha Saphir:
Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif. Senkt eventuell
den Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles. |
Gen. VII:
Attacke mit hartem Eisenschweif. Senkt eventuell
den Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles. |
Pokemon-Wettbewerb Live [Ω/α]
Pokémon Wettbewerb
Eigenschaft Gen. III-IV: |
Ausdruck: |
(2) |
Anwender erhält +2,
wenn er als
Letzter agiert. |
TM / VM |
TM23 |
Gold und Silber, Kristall, Rubin und Saphir, Smaragd, Feuerrot und Blattgrün, Diamant und Perl, Platin, HeartGold und SoulSilver, Colosseum, XD. |
Pokémon @ Eisenschweif |
By leveling up |
#095 Onix,
#208 Stahlos,
#208 Mega-Stahlos,
#304 Stollunior,
#305 Stollrak,
#306 Stolloss,
#306 Mega-Stolloss,
#483 Dialga,
#799 Schlingking |
By breeding |
#023 Rettan,
#029 Nidoran♀,
#032 Nidoran♂,
#052 Mauzi,
#058 Fukano,
#086 Jurob,
#111 Rihorn,
#147 Dratini,
#161 Wiesor,
#179 Voltilamm,
#240 Magby,
#246 Larvitar,
#335 Sengo,
#336 Vipitis,
#349 Barschwa,
#408 Koknodon,
#417 Pachirisu,
#434 Skunkapuh,
#443 Kaumalat,
#451 Pionskora,
#495 Serpifeu,
#504 Nagelotz,
#572 Picochilla,
#587 Emolga,
#610 Milza,
#621 Shardrago,
#704 Viscora |
By tutoring |
#004 Glumanda,
#005 Glutexo,
#006 Glurak,
#006 Mega-Glurak X,
#006 Mega-Glurak Y,
#007 Schiggy,
#008 Schillok,
#009 Turtok,
#009 Mega-Turtok,
#019 Rattfratz,
#020 Rattikarl,
#023 Rettan,
#024 Arbok,
#025 Pikachu,
#025 Rocker-Pikachu,
#025 Damen-Pikachu,
#025 Star-Pikachu,
#025 Professoren-Pikachu,
#025 Wrestler-Pikachu,
#025 Cosplay-Pikachu,
#026 Raichu,
#027 Sandan,
#028 Sandamer,
#029 Nidoran♀,
#030 Nidorina,
#031 Nidoqueen,
#032 Nidoran♂,
#033 Nidorino,
#034 Nidoking,
#035 Piepi,
#036 Pixi,
#037 Vulpix,
#038 Vulnona,
#052 Mauzi,
#053 Snobilikat,
#054 Enton,
#055 Entoron,
#056 Menki,
#057 Rasaff,
#058 Fukano,
#059 Arkani,
#063 Abra,
#064 Kadabra,
#065 Simsala,
#065 Mega-Simsala,
#077 Ponita,
#078 Gallopa,
#079 Flegmon,
#080 Lahmus,
#080 Mega-Lahmus,
#083 Porenta,
#086 Jurob,
#087 Jugong,
#095 Onix,
#104 Tragosso,
#105 Knogga,
#108 Schlurp,
#111 Rihorn,
#112 Rizeros,
#113 Chaneira,
#115 Kangama,
#115 Mega-Kangama,
#125 Elektek,
#126 Magmar,
#128 Tauros,
#130 Garados,
#130 Mega-Garados,
#131 Lapras,
#133 Evoli,
#134 Aquana,
#135 Blitza,
#136 Flamara,
#137 Porygon,
#142 Aerodactyl,
#142 Mega-Aerodactyl,
#147 Dratini,
#148 Dragonir,
#149 Dragoran,
#150 Mewtu,
#150 Mega-Mewtu X,
#150 Mega-Mewtu Y,
#151 Mew,
#152 Endivie,
#153 Lorblatt,
#154 Meganie,
#158 Karnimani,
#159 Tyracroc,
#160 Impergator,
#161 Wiesor,
#162 Wiesenior,
#172 Pichu,
#173 Pii,
#179 Voltilamm,
#180 Waaty,
#181 Ampharos,
#181 Mega-Ampharos,
#183 Marill,
#184 Azumarill,
#190 Griffel,
#194 Felino,
#195 Morlord,
#196 Psiana,
#197 Nachtara,
#199 Laschoking,
#203 Girafarig,
#206 Dummisel,
#207 Skorgla,
#208 Stahlos,
#208 Mega-Stahlos,
#210 Granbull,
#215 Sniebel,
#228 Hunduster,
#229 Hundemon,
#229 Mega-Hundemon,
#231 Phanpy,
#232 Donphan,
#233 Porygon2,
#234 Damhirplex,
#240 Magby,
#241 Miltank,
#242 Heiteira,
#243 Raikou,
#244 Entei,
#245 Suicune,
#246 Larvitar,
#247 Pupitar,
#248 Despotar,
#248 Mega-Despotar,
#249 Lugia,
#252 Geckarbor,
#253 Reptain,
#254 Gewaldro,
#254 Mega-Gewaldro,
#258 Hydropi,
#259 Moorabbel,
#260 Sumpex,
#260 Mega-Sumpex,
#261 Fiffyen,
#262 Magnayen,
#263 Zigzachs,
#264 Geradaks,
#286 Kapilz,
#298 Azurill,
#300 Eneco,
#301 Enekoro,
#304 Stollunior,
#305 Stollrak,
#306 Stolloss,
#306 Mega-Stolloss,
#309 Frizelbliz,
#310 Voltenso,
#310 Mega-Voltenso,
#311 Plusle,
#312 Minun,
#324 Qurtel,
#325 Spoink,
#326 Groink,
#330 Libelldra,
#334 Altaria,
#334 Mega-Altaria,
#335 Sengo,
#336 Vipitis,
#348 Armaldo,
#349 Barschwa,
#350 Milotic,
#352 Kecleon,
#359 Absol,
#359 Mega-Absol,
#363 Seemops,
#364 Seejong,
#365 Walraisa,
#373 Brutalanda,
#373 Mega-Brutalanda,
#383 Groudon,
#383 Proto-Groudon,
#384 Rayquaza,
#384 Mega-Rayquaza,
#387 Chelast,
#388 Chelcarain,
#389 Chelterrar,
#390 Panflam,
#391 Panpyro,
#392 Panferno,
#399 Bidiza,
#400 Bidifas,
#403 Sheinux,
#404 Luxio,
#405 Luxtra,
#408 Koknodon,
#409 Rameidon,
#410 Schilterus,
#411 Bollterus,
#417 Pachirisu,
#418 Bamelin,
#419 Bojelin,
#424 Ambidiffel,
#427 Haspiror,
#428 Schlapor,
#428 Mega-Schlapor,
#431 Charmian,
#432 Shnurgarst,
#434 Skunkapuh,
#435 Skuntank,
#443 Kaumalat,
#444 Knarksel,
#445 Knakrack,
#445 Mega-Knakrack,
#447 Riolu,
#448 Lucario,
#448 Mega-Lucario,
#449 Hippopotas,
#450 Hippoterus,
#451 Pionskora,
#452 Piondragi,
#459 Shnebedeck,
#460 Rexblisar,
#460 Mega-Rexblisar,
#461 Snibunna,
#463 Schlurplek,
#464 Rihornior,
#466 Elevoltek,
#467 Magbrant,
#470 Folipurba,
#471 Glaziola,
#472 Skorgro,
#474 Porygon-Z,
#480 Selfe,
#481 Vesprit,
#482 Tobutz,
#483 Dialga,
#487 Giratina Wandelform,
#487 Giratina Urform,
#493 Arceus,
#495 Serpifeu,
#496 Efoserp,
#497 Serpiroyal,
#498 Floink,
#499 Ferkokel,
#500 Flambirex,
#501 Ottaro,
#502 Zwottronin,
#503 Admurai,
#504 Nagelotz,
#505 Kukmarda,
#509 Felilou,
#510 Kleoparda,
#511 Vegimak,
#512 Vegichita,
#513 Grillmak,
#514 Grillchita,
#515 Sodamak,
#516 Sodachita,
#531 Ohrdoch,
#531 Mega-Ohrdoch,
#545 Cerapendra,
#551 Ganovil,
#552 Rokkaiman,
#553 Rabigator,
#559 Zurrokex,
#560 Irokex,
#564 Galapaflos,
#565 Karippas,
#566 Flapteryx,
#567 Aeropteryx,
#572 Picochilla,
#573 Chillabell,
#587 Emolga,
#603 Zapplalek,
#604 Zapplarang,
#610 Milza,
#611 Sharfax,
#612 Maxax,
#621 Shardrago,
#635 Trikephalo,
#641 Boreos Inkarnationsform,
#641 Boreos Tiergeistform,
#642 Voltolos Inkarnationsform,
#642 Voltolos Tiergeistform,
#645 Demeteros Inkarnationsform,
#645 Demeteros Tiergeistform,
#650 Igamaro,
#651 Igastarnish,
#652 Brigaron,
#653 Fynx,
#654 Rutena,
#655 Fennexis,
#659 Scoppel,
#660 Grebbit,
#667 Leufeo,
#668 Pyroleo,
#672 Mähikel,
#673 Chevrumm,
#676 Coiffwaff,
#677 Psiau,
#678 Psiaugon Männlich,
#678 Psiaugon Weiblich,
#690 Algitt,
#691 Tandrak,
#692 Scampisto,
#693 Wummer,
#694 Eguana,
#695 Elezard,
#696 Balgoras,
#697 Monargoras,
#698 Amarino,
#699 Amagarga,
#700 Feelinara,
#702 Dedenne,
#704 Viscora,
#705 Viscargot,
#706 Viscogon,
#714 eF-eM,
#715 UHaFnir,
#718 Zygarde |
By TM/HM |
#004 Glumanda,
#005 Glutexo,
#006 Glurak,
#007 Schiggy,
#008 Schillok,
#009 Turtok,
#019 Rattfratz,
#020 Rattikarl,
#023 Rettan,
#024 Arbok,
#025 Pikachu,
#026 Raichu,
#027 Sandan,
#028 Sandamer,
#029 Nidoran♀,
#030 Nidorina,
#031 Nidoqueen,
#032 Nidoran♂,
#033 Nidorino,
#034 Nidoking,
#035 Piepi,
#036 Pixi,
#037 Vulpix,
#038 Vulnona,
#052 Mauzi,
#053 Snobilikat,
#054 Enton,
#055 Entoron,
#056 Menki,
#057 Rasaff,
#058 Fukano,
#059 Arkani,
#063 Abra,
#064 Kadabra,
#065 Simsala,
#077 Ponita,
#078 Gallopa,
#079 Flegmon,
#080 Lahmus,
#083 Porenta,
#095 Onix,
#104 Tragosso,
#105 Knogga,
#108 Schlurp,
#111 Rihorn,
#112 Rizeros,
#113 Chaneira,
#115 Kangama,
#125 Elektek,
#126 Magmar,
#128 Tauros,
#131 Lapras,
#133 Evoli,
#134 Aquana,
#135 Blitza,
#136 Flamara,
#137 Porygon,
#142 Aerodactyl,
#147 Dratini,
#148 Dragonir,
#149 Dragoran,
#150 Mewtu,
#151 Mew,
#152 Endivie,
#153 Lorblatt,
#154 Meganie,
#155 Feurigel,
#156 Igelavar,
#157 Tornupto,
#158 Karnimani,
#159 Tyracroc,
#160 Impergator,
#161 Wiesor,
#162 Wiesenior,
#172 Pichu,
#172 Strubbelohr-Pichu,
#173 Pii,
#179 Voltilamm,
#180 Waaty,
#181 Ampharos,
#183 Marill,
#184 Azumarill,
#190 Griffel,
#194 Felino,
#195 Morlord,
#196 Psiana,
#197 Nachtara,
#199 Laschoking,
#203 Girafarig,
#206 Dummisel,
#207 Skorgla,
#208 Stahlos,
#210 Granbull,
#215 Sniebel,
#228 Hunduster,
#229 Hundemon,
#231 Phanpy,
#232 Donphan,
#233 Porygon2,
#234 Damhirplex,
#240 Magby,
#241 Miltank,
#242 Heiteira,
#243 Raikou,
#244 Entei,
#245 Suicune,
#248 Despotar,
#249 Lugia,
#252 Geckarbor,
#253 Reptain,
#254 Gewaldro,
#258 Hydropi,
#259 Moorabbel,
#260 Sumpex,
#261 Fiffyen,
#262 Magnayen,
#263 Zigzachs,
#264 Geradaks,
#286 Kapilz,
#298 Azurill,
#300 Eneco,
#301 Enekoro,
#304 Stollunior,
#305 Stollrak,
#306 Stolloss,
#309 Frizelbliz,
#310 Voltenso,
#311 Plusle,
#312 Minun,
#324 Qurtel,
#325 Spoink,
#326 Groink,
#330 Libelldra,
#334 Altaria,
#335 Sengo,
#336 Vipitis,
#348 Armaldo,
#350 Milotic,
#352 Kecleon,
#359 Absol,
#363 Seemops,
#364 Seejong,
#365 Walraisa,
#373 Brutalanda,
#383 Groudon,
#384 Rayquaza,
#387 Chelast,
#388 Chelcarain,
#389 Chelterrar,
#390 Panflam,
#391 Panpyro,
#392 Panferno,
#399 Bidiza,
#400 Bidifas,
#403 Sheinux,
#404 Luxio,
#405 Luxtra,
#408 Koknodon,
#409 Rameidon,
#410 Schilterus,
#411 Bollterus,
#417 Pachirisu,
#418 Bamelin,
#419 Bojelin,
#424 Ambidiffel,
#427 Haspiror,
#428 Schlapor,
#431 Charmian,
#432 Shnurgarst,
#434 Skunkapuh,
#435 Skuntank,
#444 Knarksel,
#445 Knakrack,
#447 Riolu,
#448 Lucario,
#449 Hippopotas,
#450 Hippoterus,
#451 Pionskora,
#452 Piondragi,
#459 Shnebedeck,
#460 Rexblisar,
#461 Snibunna,
#463 Schlurplek,
#464 Rihornior,
#466 Elevoltek,
#467 Magbrant,
#470 Folipurba,
#471 Glaziola,
#472 Skorgro,
#474 Porygon-Z,
#480 Selfe,
#481 Vesprit,
#482 Tobutz,
#483 Dialga,
#487 Giratina Wandelform,
#487 Giratina Urform,
#493 Arceus |
Iron Tail
Queue de Fer
Cola Férrea
Attacken (Liste)
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