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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Gyro Ball (Move)

  Move #360, Generation IV

  Steel Type

 [physical] Physical move

  Power: --

  Accuracy: 100%

  5 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> Selected Pokémon

Gen. IV:

The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin.
The slower the user, the greater the damage.

Black and White:

The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin.
The slower the user, the greater the damage.

Black 2 and White 2:

The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin.
The slower the user, the greater the damage.

Gen. VI:

The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin.
The slower the user compared to the target, the greater the move’s power.

Gen. VII:

The user tackles the target with a high-speed spin.
The slower the user compared to the target, the greater the move’s power.

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Earns double the
score on the final
TM74 Diamond and Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Black and White, Black 2 and White 2, X and Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Pokémon @ Gyro Ball
By leveling up
#027#027 Sandshrew#027-alola#027 Sandshrew Alola Form#028#028 Sandslash#039#039 Jigglypuff#081#081 Magnemite#082#082 Magneton#095#095 Onix#100#100 Voltorb#101#101 Electrode#109#109 Koffing#110#110 Weezing#120#120 Staryu#157#157 Typhlosion#204#204 Pineco#205#205 Forretress#208#208 Steelix#208-mega#208 Mega Steelix#237#237 Hitmontop#241#241 Miltank#436#436 Bronzor#437#437 Bronzong#462#462 Magnezone#463#463 Lickilicky#597#597 Ferroseed#598#598 Ferrothorn#781#781 Dhelmise
#007#007 Squirtle#008#008 Wartortle#009#009 Blastoise#009-mega#009 Mega Blastoise#027#027 Sandshrew#027-alola#027 Sandshrew Alola Form#028#028 Sandslash#028-alola#028 Sandslash Alola Form#039#039 Jigglypuff#040#040 Wigglytuff#074#074 Geodude#074-alola#074 Geodude Alola Form#075#075 Graveler#075-alola#075 Graveler Alola Form#076#076 Golem#076-alola#076 Golem Alola Form#081#081 Magnemite#082#082 Magneton#095#095 Onix#100#100 Voltorb#101#101 Electrode#109#109 Koffing#110#110 Weezing#120#120 Staryu#121#121 Starmie#138#138 Omanyte#139#139 Omastar#151#151 Mew#157#157 Typhlosion#204#204 Pineco#205#205 Forretress#206#206 Dunsparce#208#208 Steelix#208-mega#208 Mega Steelix#211#211 Qwilfish#213#213 Shuckle#219#219 Magcargo#232#232 Donphan#237#237 Hitmontop#241#241 Miltank#324#324 Torkoal#337#337 Lunatone#338#338 Solrock#343#343 Baltoy#344#344 Claydol#362#362 Glalie#362-mega#362 Mega Glalie#375#375 Metang#376#376 Metagross#376-mega#376 Mega Metagross#384#384 Rayquaza#384-mega#384 Mega Rayquaza#413-trash#413 Wormadam Trash Cloak#425#425 Drifloon#426#426 Drifblim#436#436 Bronzor#437#437 Bronzong#462#462 Magnezone#463#463 Lickilicky#498#498 Tepig#499#499 Pignite#500#500 Emboar#517#517 Munna#518#518 Musharna#527#527 Woobat#528#528 Swoobat#543#543 Venipede#544#544 Whirlipede#545#545 Scolipede#554#554 Darumaka#555#555 Darmanitan Standard Mode#555-zen#555 Darmanitan Zen Mode#577#577 Solosis#578#578 Duosion#579#579 Reuniclus#597#597 Ferroseed#598#598 Ferrothorn#622#622 Golett#623#623 Golurk#650#650 Chespin#651#651 Quilladin#652#652 Chesnaught#679#679 Honedge#680#680 Doublade#681#681 Aegislash Shield Forme#681-blade#681 Aegislash Blade Forme#682#682 Spritzee#683#683 Aromatisse#703#703 Carbink#710#710 Pumpkaboo Average Size#710-small#710 Pumpkaboo Small Size#710-large#710 Pumpkaboo Large Size#710-super#710 Pumpkaboo Super Size#711#711 Gourgeist Average Size#711-small#711 Gourgeist Small Size#711-large#711 Gourgeist Large Size#711-super#711 Gourgeist Super Size#712#712 Bergmite#713#713 Avalugg#719#719 Diancie#719-mega#719 Mega Diancie#721#721 Volcanion#766#766 Passimian#774#774 Minior Meteor Form#774-red#774 Minior Core Form#777#777 Togedemaru#781#781 Dhelmise#791#791 Solgaleo#794#794 Buzzwole#797#797 Celesteela#799#799 Guzzlord#800#800 Necrozma#800-dusk#800 Necrozma Dusk Mane#800-dawn#800 Necrozma Dawn Wings#800-ultra#800 Ultra Necrozma#801#801 Magearna#805#805 Stakataka

en Gyro Ball
it Vortexpalla
fr Gyroballe
de Gyroball
es Giro Bola

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