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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Blizzard (Move)

Battle Frontier Battle Frontier,
Battle Palace Category:

  Move #059, Generation I

  Ice Type

 [special] Special move

  Power: 110

  Accuracy: 70%

  5 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> All opponents

Gold, Silver, and Crystal:

An attack that may freeze the foe.

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald:

Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it.

FireRed and LeafGreen:

The foe is blasted with a blizzard. It may freeze the foe solid.

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the foe. It may also freeze the target solid.

HeartGold and SoulSilver:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the foe. It may also freeze the target solid.

Black and White:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team.
It may also freeze them solid.

Black 2 and White 2:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team.
It may also freeze them solid.

Gen. VI:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon.
This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.

Gen. VII:

A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon.
This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.


Before X and Y:

Power => 120

Before Gold and Silver:

Accuracy => 90

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥
Jamming:  ♡ ♡ ♡

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Earn +2 if the
Pokémon performs
first in the turn.

Pokémon Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
A highly appealing move.
Gen. III-IV Combos
Pokémon Contest
Powder Snow, Hail Blizzard
TM14 Red and Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver, Crystal, Ruby and Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, Diamond and Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Black and White, Colosseum, XD, Black 2 and White 2, X and Y, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Pokémon @ Blizzard
By leveling up
#027-alola#027 Sandshrew Alola Form#037-alola#037 Vulpix Alola Form#124#124 Jynx#144#144 Articuno#220#220 Swinub#221#221 Piloswine#238#238 Smoochum#245#245 Suicune#351#351 Castform#351-sunny#351 Castform Sunny Form#351-rainy#351 Castform Rainy Form#351-snowy#351 Castform Snowy Form#361#361 Snorunt#362#362 Glalie#362-mega#362 Mega Glalie#363#363 Spheal#364#364 Sealeo#365#365 Walrein#459#459 Snover#460#460 Abomasnow#460-mega#460 Mega Abomasnow#471#471 Glaceon#473#473 Mamoswine#478#478 Froslass#582#582 Vanillite#583#583 Vanillish#584#584 Vanilluxe#613#613 Cubchoo#614#614 Beartic#646#646 Kyurem#646-black#646 Black Kyurem#646-white#646 White Kyurem#698#698 Amaura#699#699 Aurorus#712#712 Bergmite#713#713 Avalugg
#007#007 Squirtle#008#008 Wartortle#009#009 Blastoise#009-mega#009 Mega Blastoise#019#019 Rattata#019-alola#019 Rattata Alola Form#020#020 Raticate#020-alola#020 Raticate Alola Form#027-alola#027 Sandshrew Alola Form#028-alola#028 Sandslash Alola Form#029#029 Nidoran♀#030#030 Nidorina#031#031 Nidoqueen#032#032 Nidoran♂#033#033 Nidorino#034#034 Nidoking#035#035 Clefairy#036#036 Clefable#037-alola#037 Vulpix Alola Form#038-alola#038 Ninetales Alola Form#039#039 Jigglypuff#040#040 Wigglytuff#054#054 Psyduck#055#055 Golduck#060#060 Poliwag#061#061 Poliwhirl#062#062 Poliwrath#072#072 Tentacool#073#073 Tentacruel#079#079 Slowpoke#080#080 Slowbro#080-mega#080 Mega Slowbro#086#086 Seel#087#087 Dewgong#090#090 Shellder#091#091 Cloyster#098#098 Krabby#099#099 Kingler#104#104 Cubone#105#105 Marowak#105-alola#105 Marowak Alola Form#108#108 Lickitung#111#111 Rhyhorn#112#112 Rhydon#113#113 Chansey#115#115 Kangaskhan#115-mega#115 Mega Kangaskhan#116#116 Horsea#117#117 Seadra#118#118 Goldeen#119#119 Seaking#120#120 Staryu#121#121 Starmie#124#124 Jynx#128#128 Tauros#130#130 Gyarados#130-mega#130 Mega Gyarados#131#131 Lapras#134#134 Vaporeon#137#137 Porygon#138#138 Omanyte#139#139 Omastar#140#140 Kabuto#141#141 Kabutops#143#143 Snorlax#144#144 Articuno#147#147 Dratini#148#148 Dragonair#149#149 Dragonite#150#150 Mewtwo#150-mega-x#150 Mega Mewtwo X#150-mega-y#150 Mega Mewtwo Y#151#151 Mew#158#158 Totodile#159#159 Croconaw#160#160 Feraligatr#162#162 Furret#170#170 Chinchou#171#171 Lanturn#183#183 Marill#184#184 Azumarill#186#186 Politoed#194#194 Wooper#195#195 Quagsire#199#199 Slowking#206#206 Dunsparce#211#211 Qwilfish#215#215 Sneasel#220#220 Swinub#221#221 Piloswine#222#222 Corsola#223#223 Remoraid#224#224 Octillery#225#225 Delibird#226#226 Mantine#230#230 Kingdra#233#233 Porygon2#238#238 Smoochum#241#241 Miltank#242#242 Blissey#245#245 Suicune#248#248 Tyranitar#248-mega#248 Mega Tyranitar#249#249 Lugia#258#258 Mudkip#259#259 Marshtomp#260#260 Swampert#260-mega#260 Mega Swampert#263#263 Zigzagoon#264#264 Linoone#270#270 Lotad#271#271 Lombre#272#272 Ludicolo#278#278 Wingull#279#279 Pelipper#283#283 Surskit#284#284 Masquerain#287#287 Slakoth#288#288 Vigoroth#289#289 Slaking#293#293 Whismur#294#294 Loudred#295#295 Exploud#298#298 Azurill#300#300 Skitty#301#301 Delcatty#306#306 Aggron#306-mega#306 Mega Aggron#318#318 Carvanha#319#319 Sharpedo#319-mega#319 Mega Sharpedo#320#320 Wailmer#321#321 Wailord#335#335 Zangoose#337#337 Lunatone#339#339 Barboach#340#340 Whiscash#341#341 Corphish#342#342 Crawdaunt#349#349 Feebas#350#350 Milotic#351#351 Castform#351-sunny#351 Castform Sunny Form#351-rainy#351 Castform Rainy Form#351-snowy#351 Castform Snowy Form#352#352 Kecleon#355#355 Duskull#356#356 Dusclops#359#359 Absol#359-mega#359 Mega Absol#361#361 Snorunt#362#362 Glalie#362-mega#362 Mega Glalie#363#363 Spheal#364#364 Sealeo#365#365 Walrein#366#366 Clamperl#367#367 Huntail#368#368 Gorebyss#369#369 Relicanth#370#370 Luvdisc#378#378 Regice#382#382 Kyogre#382-primal#382 Primal Kyogre#384#384 Rayquaza#384-mega#384 Mega Rayquaza#393#393 Piplup#394#394 Prinplup#395#395 Empoleon#399#399 Bidoof#400#400 Bibarel#408#408 Cranidos#409#409 Rampardos#410#410 Shieldon#411#411 Bastiodon#418#418 Buizel#419#419 Floatzel#422#422 Shellos#423#423 Gastrodon#428#428 Lopunny#428-mega#428 Mega Lopunny#446#446 Munchlax#456#456 Finneon#457#457 Lumineon#458#458 Mantyke#459#459 Snover#460#460 Abomasnow#460-mega#460 Mega Abomasnow#461#461 Weavile#463#463 Lickilicky#464#464 Rhyperior#471#471 Glaceon#473#473 Mamoswine#474#474 Porygon-Z#477#477 Dusknoir#478#478 Froslass#481#481 Mesprit#483#483 Dialga#484#484 Palkia#489#489 Phione#490#490 Manaphy#491#491 Darkrai#493#493 Arceus#501#501 Oshawott#502#502 Dewott#503#503 Samurott#515#515 Panpour#516#516 Simipour#531#531 Audino#531-mega#531 Mega Audino#564#564 Tirtouga#565#565 Carracosta#582#582 Vanillite#583#583 Vanillish#584#584 Vanilluxe#592#592 Frillish#593#593 Jellicent#594#594 Alomomola#613#613 Cubchoo#614#614 Beartic#615#615 Cryogonal#646#646 Kyurem#646-black#646 Black Kyurem#646-white#646 White Kyurem#649#649 Genesect#656#656 Froakie#657#657 Frogadier#658#658 Greninja#658-ash#658 Ash-Greninja#688#688 Binacle#689#689 Barbaracle#698#698 Amaura#699#699 Aurorus#705#705 Sliggoo#706#706 Goodra#712#712 Bergmite#713#713 Avalugg#728#728 Popplio#729#729 Brionne#730#730 Primarina#740#740 Crabominable#747#747 Mareanie#748#748 Toxapex#751#751 Dewpider#752#752 Araquanid#768#768 Golisopod#779#779 Bruxish#780#780 Drampa#788#788 Tapu Fini#792#792 Lunala#795#795 Pheromosa
By form change
#479-frost#479 Frost Rotom

en Blizzard
it Bora
fr Blizzard
de Blizzard
es Ventisca

Moves (List)

🔗 veekun


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